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Start My Side Hustle
Course Structure and Workbook Download
Course Structure and Companion Workbook
Nick's Magic Time Finder
Real Talk: The Entrepreneur's Mindset
Congrats, You're a CEO Now! (2:37)
Mindset Gut Check (7:56)
Fear-Setting (3:15)
The Cure for Imposter Syndrome (1:48)
Your ONE Job (1:12)
Business Idea Basics
What is a Business? (2:18)
The Business Idea Myth (5:01)
My Business Idea Curse (2:57)
The "Big 3" Business Models - Service (3:45)
The "Big 3" Business Models - Product (1:43)
The "Big 3" Business Models - Audience (5:06)
Finding YOUR New Business Idea
Where Do Business Ideas Come From? (1:46)
The Sweet Spot Method (9:39)
But I Don't Have Any Skills! (10:13)
The "I Could Do That!" Method (6:24)
The "What Sucks?" Method (3:30)
The "Probing for Pain" Method (4:35)
Selecting the Right Idea
Idea Selection and Validation (14:59)
Not Thrilled with Your Options? (2:29)
Customer Selection (3:31)
Business Idea Mad Libs (2:47)
Marketing Your Business to Make Sales
Building a Hot Prospect List (19:46)
The Giveaway Method (14:01)
Strategic Partnerships (5:36)
Work Your Network (9:15)
The Marketplace Method + The Piggyback Method (7:54)
The Facebook Group Method (7:18)
The LinkedIn Method (6:16)
The OPA Method (13:15)
The Lunch and Learn Method (6:46)
The Content-Based Networking Method (4:30)
Marketing a Consumer Service (12:35)
The Local Method (7:25)
Advertising Your Service (10:32)
Smart Follow-Ups (7:51)
Overcoming Objections (7:12)
Earning Killer Testimonials (3:43)
Content Marketing Strategies that Really Work (7:14)
How Service Scales: 7 Case Studies
The Hustle Habit
The Hustle Habit (3:13)
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Where Do Business Ideas Come From?
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