Get Gigs!
11 Proven Ways to Get More Customers and Make More Money in Your Service Business
Get More Customers. Make More Money.
Whether you're trying to build a full-time business or just make extra money, it takes customers to get there.
But before anyone can hire you, they've got to know, like, and trust you.
Get Gigs showcases my favorite methods to bridge that gap with free marketing tactics anyone can use.
I've been interviewing successful entrepreneurs since 2013, and have distilled hundreds of hours of conversations and 10+ years of experience into these 11 proven methods you can apply to your business.
And done right, it'll only take one or two to get you to your income goals.
So come have a seat at the marketing buffet, choose the methods that make the most sense for you, and go get paid!
Your Instructor
Nick Loper helps people earn money outside of their day job. He's an author, online entrepreneur, and host of the award-winning Side Hustle Show podcast, which features new part-time business ideas each week. As Chief Side Hustler at, he loves deconstructing the tactics and strategies behind building extra income streams.
Nick and The Side Hustle Show have been featured on:
Course Curriculum
StartThe Strategic Partnership Method (5:36)
StartThe Work Your Network Method (9:15)
StartThe Q&A Content Method (7:14)
StartThe Facebook Group Method (7:18)
StartThe LinkedIn Method (6:16)
StartThe OPA Method (13:15)
StartThe Lunch and Learn Method (6:46)
StartThe Marketplace Method + The Piggyback Method (7:54)
StartThe Content-Based Networking Method (4:30)
StartThe Local Method (7:25)
StartBuilding a Hot Prospect List (19:46)
StartThe Giveaway Method (14:01)
StartMarketing a Consumer Service (12:35)
Frequently Asked Questions
Getting customers doesn't have to be complicated.
That's why I've broken down the actual marketing methods real side hustlers are using to grow their business, to take out the guesswork and shorten your learning curve.
Get Gigs goes behind-the-scenes to show you the proven tactics to get more clients and make more money.